§ 44-154. Vehicle registration; classifications; requirements.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Any vehicle for hire operated, caused to be operated, or driven with the intent to pick up passengers, originate one-way transportation, or provide return service for a round-trip transportation within the jurisdictional limits of or upon the public streets of the City shall be subject to the regulations, restrictions and conditions set forth in this article.


    The following categories of vehicles for hire shall be exempt from the provisions of this article:


    Ambulances licensed by the State of Florida;


    Hearses, operated or limited exclusively to use by a licensed mortician;


    Passenger vehicles seating more than 20 persons that are not used for a transportation related commercial purpose;


    Passenger vehicles owned, operated, leased or controlled by a governmental agency;


    Shuttle services using a van owned and operated directly by a hotel or motel for transportation limited to registered guests thereof (it shall be presumed that this exemption is not applicable if the van does not bear any advertising or identification of the hotel or motel);


    Exclusive ride-sharing vehicles as defined in Section 341.031(9), Florida Statutes, as amended;


    School buses subject to the provisions of Chapters 234 and 316, Florida Statutes, as amended;


    Vehicle for hire services provided that the vehicles used to provide such services shall be clearly and distinctively marked as disadvantaged transportation; and provided, further, that any of the vehicles used to provide disadvantaged transportation shall be operated by a driver holding a driver permit providing for transportation services:


    As outlined in Section 427.015(2), Florida Statutes, to the transportation disadvantaged, as defined in Section 427.011(1), Florida Statutes, as amended; or


    By a transportation operator, as defined in Section 427.011(6), Florida Statutes, as amended; or


    Pursuant to a contract authorized in Section 427.0155, Florida Statutes, as amended, with the Community Transportation Coordinator, as defined in Section 427.011(5), Florida Statutes which contract is on file with the vehicle for hire administrator;


    Transportation services operated:


    As a bona-fide tour company by a seller of travel as defined in Section 559.927, Florida Statutes, as amended, or


    Operated by a person who, as determined in writing by the vehicle for hire administrator, provides the vehicle for hire service to the passengers as an ancillary part of a primary scheduled service or tour.


    The single motor vehicle independent contractor who operates without connection with any other driver, association of drivers, or any entity, of whatsoever type or nature, providing transportation services in the nature of a vehicle for hire. However, such operators shall be registered with the City and pay the established registration fee.


    Every vehicle for hire permitted pursuant to this article shall be classified according to one of the following categories:




    Limousine; or


    Shuttle service.


    The applicant for a permit shall request the particular category on the application for a vehicle permit submitted. The classification shall be made by the vehicle for hire administrator.


    The purposes of the classifications are to:


    Ensure that different forms of vehicle for hire service are recognized;


    Avoid misleading information or creating confusion among the traveling public; and


    Provide notice to the permit holder of the classification and the applicable limitations and regulations pertaining to the category.


    Vehicle for hire permit holders shall only provide the services specified below:


    A permit holder in the taxicab classification may only:


    Provide general transportation of persons not on regular schedules with the routes traveled or the destination determined by the passengers;


    Provide good and reasonable service at all times to all parts of the City 24 hours a day, each and every day of the year, unless prevented by a labor strike or an act of God;


    Maintain a business office with sufficient employees to answer all calls 24 hours a day, each and every day of the year;


    Base the fare charged to the passenger on the use of the vehicle without regard to the number of passengers carried;


    Determine the fare by a meter; and


    Provide the taxicab service in an automobile, station wagon or van that is capable of comfortably seating at least four adult passengers, and the driver and a maximum of nine adult passengers.


    A permit holder in the limousine classification may provide the transportation of persons as follows:


    Limited to a limousine luxury sedan or luxury van;


    Leased, rented or charged upon for a minimum time period of one hour (60 minutes);


    With the fare determined on an hourly basis and not by a meter or mileage for the use of the vehicle; and


    Pre-arranged or arranged through a third party (e.g., guest service desk or concierge desk).


    A permit holder in the shuttle service classification may provide the transportation of persons as follows:


    Limited to a van;


    On a scheduled service;


    With the fare determined on a per capita basis and not by a meter or mileage; and


    Pre-arranged or arranged through a third party (e.g., guest service desk or concierge desk).


    Each permit holder shall strictly comply with the regulations and requirements for the particular category of a vehicle for hire as outlined in this article.

(Ord. No. 05-32, § 4, 7-5-05)