§ 8-33. Neglect/abandonment of animals.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    It is prohibited and unlawful for any person to impound or confine any animal in any place and fail to supply the animal during such confinement with a sufficient quantity of good and wholesome food and water.


    It is prohibited and unlawful for any person to keep any animal in any enclosure without the animal being provided wholesome exercise, change of air and protection from any adverse weather conditions.


    It is prohibited and unlawful for any person who is the owner or possessor of an animal or has charge or custody of an animal to abandon an animal.


    It is prohibited and unlawful for any person to keep any animal in any enclosure or unattended parked vehicle for more than 30 minutes. In the event that prevailing weather conditions are such that the life of the animal is in jeopardy as determined by the animal control officer, then said maximum time limit shall not be applicable.


    The provisions of this section shall be construed as being supplemental to the provisions of F.S. § 828.13, or its successor provision(s).

(Ord. No. 2010-10, § 8, 7-20-10)