§ 29-112. Review requirements.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The City Manager shall each fiscal year prepare a preliminary capital improvement program for fire and rescue facilities to be funded from the impact fee trust fund. The City Manager shall present to the City Council the proposed capital improvement program for fire and rescue facilities, the status of funds, including any accrued interest from the trust fund, the expenditures for improvements, equipment and related expenses. Monies, including any accrued interest, not assigned in any fiscal period shall be retained in the impact fee trust fund until the next fiscal period except as provided by the refund provisions of this article.


    The fire and rescue impact fee formula and schedules shall be adjusted annually. The total value of the assets will be adjusted based on annual percentage changes in the Consumer Price Index (CPI). Annual changes shall be effective on April 1 of each year, based upon the index change for the twelve (12) months ending on December 31 of the previous year.


    This article and the impact fee study of the City Manager shall be reviewed by the City Council every six (6) years unless otherwise directed by the council. Each review shall consider, at a minimum, new estimates of population per household, costs related to the acquisition of capital improvements and equipment necessitated by growth, and adjustments to the assumptions, the conclusions and findings set forth in this article. The purpose of this review is to ensure that the impact fees do not exceed the reasonably anticipated costs associated with the capital improvements necessary to offset the demand generated by new construction on the City's fire and rescue system. In the event the review of this article materially alters or changes the assumptions, conclusions and findings of this article, this article shall be appropriately amended. If, upon the conclusion of the review of this article, the City Council determines in its legislative discretion that a rebate of impact fees previously collected is appropriate because of an alteration or change in the amount of impact fees previously collected, the ordinance amending this article shall establish the procedures and determinations for any such rebate.


    Simultaneous with the review of this article, the City Council shall review the capital improvements element of the Comprehensive Plan for the availability and adequacy of revenue sources to construct improvements and additions to the City fire and rescue system necessary to accommodate existing development.

(Ord. No. 2002-33, § 14, 11-19-02)