§ 29-103. Imposition/amount of fire and rescue impact fee/credits for donations.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Any person who makes or causes the making of an improvement to land which requires the issuance of a building permit, or any person who changes the use of any structure, shall pay a fire and rescue impact fee in the manner and amount set forth in this article. In the event the impact fee rate for a particular land use is changed subsequent to the issuance of a building permit and before the issuance of a certificate of occupancy, the impact fee shall be the amount in effect on the date payment is received.


    No person shall commence or continue construction or allow commencement or continuation of construction of an improvement for which the fee imposed by this article is applicable without first having obtained the required building permit and received the proper impact fee calculation imposed by this article. No person shall change the use or allow a change in use of any structure where the fee imposed by this article is applicable without having paid the proper fire and rescue system impact fees imposed by this article. Fees shall be payable for all construction for which a certificate of occupancy is issued on or after January 1, 2003.


    The fire and rescue system impact fee shall be one hundred sixty dollars and thirty cents ($160.30 per) per dwelling unit and 44.44/100 dollars ($0.4444) per square foot for all non-residential construction.


    The City shall assess a three (3) percent administrative fee upon the amount of the impact fee for the purpose of administering the impact fee program established in this article.


    Persons subject to paying the fire and rescue impact fee may, upon written agreement with the City, be awarded impact fee credits for the donation of land, facilities or equipment or other capital improvement. The amount of such credit and the method of drawing down such credits shall be provided for in the written agreement.

(Ord. No. 2002-33, § 5, 11-19-02)